Latest Lesson
other advanced reading lessons from adapted texts
Exemplary Leadership From a Failed Mission
Key leadership lessons from explorer Ernest Shackleton
The 80/20 Principle
The secret to achieving more with less
Saudi Arabia's Vision for a 170km long Mega City
Far-fetched dream or future reality
Fyre Festival - How not to organise a luxury event
A cautionary tale of hype, mismanagement, failure and jail
New Zealand Brain Drain
Why record numbers of New Zealanders are leaving for better opportunities in Australia
People want 'Dumbphones' - Will Companies Make Them?
Protecting Local Languages
A look at contrasting government attitudes towards Welsh and Singlish
AI is Turning into Something Totally New
Adapted from a 2024 TED Talk by CEO of Microsoft AI - Mustafa Suleyman
7 Modern Lessons from the Apollo Moon Landing
What can today's managers learn from an event over 50 years ago?
Making a Killing - The Agent Who Manages Deceased Celebrities
Can AI and hologram technology allow celebs to live forever?
7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Based on the bestselling book by Stephen R.Covey
The Joys of Being an Absolute Beginner
Cultivating the Beginner's Mindset as an Adult
Digital Minimalism
Finding Quiet in a Noisy World
A Night in a Tokyo Micro-Apartment
Tokyo's answer to soaring rents. Could you survive a night in a 9 metre-squared apartment?
Rise of the "Beigefluencers"
A new trend is rising in influencer culture
Tablets and The War for Productivity
Taking a look at some of the more extreme methods that professionals use to get ahead
Selfie Culture
Are selfies an integral part of experiencing new things, or do they distract from the moment?
Personality Testing - Finding the Real You
Can personality tests reveal who you really are?
The Enhanced Olympics
An 'enhanced' version of the Olympics is in the pipeline. Should it ever be allowed to happen?
Should You Trust Personal Finance Advice from a 'Finfluencer'?
A look at the murky world of finance influencers
The Fastest Growing Sport in the World
Can you guess what the fastest growing sport in the world is?
Imposter Syndrome
Do you ever have doubts about your own ability? Find out how to hone confidence in your skills!
The Culture Map
How to communicate in business across different cultures
The People Walker
An exciting new business venture awaits! Are you ready to capitalise?
4 Things People Do around the World to Slow Down
Global lessons on how to wind down effectively!
Why The Canadian Town of Asbestos Wants a New Name
The unfortunate plight of Asbestos
Forbes - Top Qualities that Make a Great Leader Part 1
Top leadership skills from Forbes Magazine
Forbes - Top Qualities that Make a Great Leader Part 2
Top Leadership Skills from Forbes Magazine
10 Grand Challenges we will Face by 2050
What do you think are the key challenges that
the world will face in the next 30 years?
The Secrets of the High-Potential Personality
Learn the key traits necessary to be a successful individual
Vying for Prestige - Oxford and Cambridge Universities
An 800-year rivalry steeped in tradition
The Mindset that Brings Unlimited Willpower
Unlock the key to boost your willpower
The Rise of the Deinfluencer
Learn about the increasing impact that
deinflencers are having on our society